Rules and Standards

Rules and Standards

Upholding Excellence Through Discipline and Respect.

The School Standards below, and the School Rules as set forth from time to time, are designed to encourage positive behavior and self-discipline, and to provide a safe and orderly learning environment for everyone.

Students should follow the School Standards and understand what is expected of them and why, as well as the consequences of poor behavior. Where actions are not specifically addressed by the School Rules, students and staff should exercise good judgment in keeping with the principles of Falun Dafa.


Phone Policy 

We care about what kids learn, and parents have tasked us with protecting their children from the often harmful content that is constantly being fed to them on unfiltered social media and the Internet. 

Many school districts in America are coming to realize that smartphone use can lead to cyber bullying and all manner of mental illness and behavioral issues in young people, and they have been completely banned in Australian public schools.

We believe it’s not only hard for students to concentrate in class and actually learn when they’re constantly distracted by digital devices but also highly disrespectful to their teachers and a tremendous waste of time. 

A study by Common Sense Media, a nonprofit that promotes safe technology and media for children has shown that 


the average American teenager spends an estimated seven hours of the day on screens—imagine what could be accomplished if that time were to be harnessed for learning?

So, please be aware we do not allow students to carry smartphones on campus, nor do we allow full access to the content on the Internet. We do, however, provide a Fei Tian-designed dumb phone for regular communications and allow appropriate use of tablets and computers for schoolwork. 

If this sounds restricting to you, then this environment is probably not for you, and we wish you well on your life journey.

If you would like to try out the traditional education we have to offer here at Fei Tian, we invite you to audition. 

If you are admitted and wish to remain eligible for a full scholarship, you must agree to leave your smart devices and computers at home.

Join us and find out what you’re made of.


Conduct (Grades 6-12) 

  • Students should be courteous and polite at all times. Inappropriate language should not be used.
  • Students should show respect for visitors, parents, staff, their peers, and the environment around them.
  • Students should conduct themselves safely and sensibly within the buildings, keeping noise to a minimum, and show thought and consideration for others. 
  • Students should respectfully acknowledge when the Head of School or a visitor enters the classroom.
  • Students should conduct themselves safely and sensibly where there are vehicles and when they are waiting for transportation. 
  • Students should inform a member of staff if they do not recognize an unaccompanied visitor/s to the school site. 
  • On hearing a fire alarm, students should walk quickly and quietly to the outside assembly point. They should line up and remain silent while a register is taken. 
  • Students should make sure their belongings are stored away when not in use. The school accepts no liability for the loss/damage of any personal property while on school premises.  
  • Students should take responsibility for the safety (including e-safety) and welfare of themselves and others. If students feel that they have concerns about another student’s safety or welfare then they should not be afraid to inform a member of staff. 
  • Students should sign in or out on the correct sheet at Student Affairs if they arrive late to campus or have to leave campus. 
  • Students must have permission from a member of staff before leaving the school site. 
  • Students should carry around only the books needed. Middle and high school students should have a backpack/bag. 
  • Bags and other personal items should not block the passageways or furniture. 
  • Smart devices must not be brought to school.
  • Cigarettes, vape equipment, alcohol, cannabis (marijuana), illegal substances, other drugs, and contraband must not be brought to school. 
  • Student dating is not permitted by the school.

Appearance Policy (Grades 6-12) 

  • Students should be well groomed and the appearance should be clean, modest, and neat. Shirts must cover the chest and midriff. Bottoms and skirts must be appropriately fitted. The hem must fall no higher than 1” above the knee. Shoes should cover the feet. 
  • Clothing that displays any offensive, derogatory, or violent language or imagery is inappropriate. Clothing should not be ripped. 
  • Hats and hoods should be removed when entering the school building. 
  • Students are permitted to wear discreet jewelry. For boys jewelry should be worn beneath the shirt and out of sight. For girls they may have one small earring in the lobe of each ear.
  • Tattoos, piercings (except earrings), and facial hair are not allowed. 
  • Make-up is not allowed in class. 
  • Hair should not cover the eyes and extreme haircuts, coloring, hair extensions, and styles are not permitted. 
  • No listening devices such as earbuds, airbuds, or headphones should be used while in classrooms or the library unless directed by the teacher.