Elementary School

Elementary School

Excellence in Education, Rooted in Timeless Values.


In kindergarten, students develop basic math and literacy skills alongside some social studies and science concepts. In reading and writing, students learn to develop sound recognition with letters, recognize rhyming words, and segment syllables. In math, students develop a deeper understanding of whole numbers, learn basic addition and subtraction skills, and learn how to describe shapes and space. In social studies, students learn about families, communities, and geography. In science, students learn about plants, animals, and matter.


Grade 1

In 1st grade, students continue to build their literacy skills through reading fiction out loud and learning to decode new words using multiple strategies such as phonics. In math, students learn addition and subtraction with numbers up to 20 and practice place values, telling time, and counting coins.

Social studies looks at how a community is a collection of neighborhoods and community members who have certain rights and responsibilities. In science, students learn about energy, water, light, and sound.


Grade 2

In 2nd grade, students learn to read for meaning and understanding while they continue to build their fluency, stamina, accuracy, and comprehension for a sustained period of time. They practice writing frequently as they learn the basic rules of grammar. Second-grade students are expected to use questions to clarify thinking and gain information. In social studies, students expand their understanding of geography and explore the development of communication and transportation over time. In science, students study weather and climate, behavior and life cycles of animals, magnetism, electricity, rocks, and soil.


Grade 3

In 3rd grade, students focus on including pre-writing, drafting, revising, editing, and the final draft in the writing process. By this point students have transitioned from learning to read to reading to learn. In math, students learn multiplication and division strategies for numbers up to 100 and begin working with fractions. Students learn about American history in social studies, as well as civics and current events. In science, students learn about astronomy, simple machines, and oceanography.


Grade 4

In 4th grade, students learn to recognize the purpose of fiction and non-fiction texts through the study of plot, character, setting, conflict, and resolution in stories. They revise written compositions to strengthen openings and closings. Students learn multi-digit multiplication, multi-digit division, fraction equivalence, and addition and subtraction of fractions. In social studies, students learn about world history and geography. In science, students learn about oceans and management of natural resources as they study erosion and weathering, landslides, and volcanic eruptions.


Grade 5

In 5th grade, students learn to identify an author’s purpose, views, and beliefs. They continue to develop vocabulary through the study of literature and learn to use various forms of writing, including poetry, research, and open-ended responses. Handwriting, spelling, grammar, and mechanics continue to be part of the language arts curriculum. In math, students expand their mastery of addition and subtraction with fractions and develop an understanding of multiplication and division of fractions. They also develop an understanding of operations with decimals to hundredths and learn about volume. In social studies, students explore Chinese history and culture. In science, students learn about plants, ecosystems, states of matter, and weather.